The X Discovery Carnival
The X Discovery Carnival

Schools Out! Spend your year end
holiday festivities with us!

Schools Out! Spend your year end holiday festivities with us!

Our high percentage win carnival games are also designed for maximum enjoyment and attractive rewards. Win a large iconic and cutesy plushie at a fraction of tries! Pop by to one of The X Discovery Carnivals near you now!

Sengkang Grand: 1st Floor, Main Atrium
(15 Nov – 9 Dec // 18 Dec – 1 Jan)

Plaza Singapura: 7th Floor Carpark Area
(17 Nov – 1 Jan)

Leisure Park Kallang: 1st Floor, Main Atrium
(21 Nov – 13 Dec // 18 Dec – 1 Jan)

Bedok Mall: B2 Floor, Main Atrium
(20 Dec – 2 Jan)

Purchase your tickets here.

The X Discovery Carnival Hero Image
The X Discovery Carnival Hero Image

Sengkang Grand: 1st Floor, Main Atrium (15 Nov – 9 Dec // 18 Dec – 1 Jan)

Plaza Singapura: 7th Floor Carpark Area (17 Nov – 1 Jan)

Leisure Park Kallang: 1st Floor, Main Atrium (21 Nov – 13 Dec // 18 Dec – 1 Jan)

Bedok Mall: B2 Floor, Main Atrium (20 Dec – 2 Jan)
Purchase your tickets here.
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